When conducting a service assessment, the executive is free to choose which criteria to judge a service by. They are usually based on the guides to better decisions and any relevant guidance or mandates. They are also influenced by the nature of the service and its current lifecycle stage.
The criteria used are included in the service assessment report.
Common Assessment Criteria
- Understand users and their needs
- Solve a whole problem for users with the network (read more)
- Make the service simple to use (read more)
- Provide a joined up experience across channels (read more)
- Create a secure service which protects users’ privacy (read more)
- Build the right team
- Use appropriate methods
- Use appropriate standards
- Operate a reliable service
- How is the service applying guidelines?
Other guides to better decisions may be used.
Common Technical Assessment Criteria
- Choose the right tools and technology
- Make new source code open
- Use and contribute to open standards, common components and patterns
Additional Context
Some of these criteria are based on the UK Government's service-standard.